Project Manager Thessaloniki

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Job Description - Project Manager Thessaloniki

In LPP Greece, we are currently looking for a PROJECT MANAGER based in Thessaloniki.


LPP S.A. is one of the largest fashion companies in Central and Eastern Europe. The company has been operating steadily in Poland and abroad for more than 26 years, successfully meeting market demands in the field of clothing.

LPP S.A. manages 5 fashion brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito, and Sinsay, each of which addresses a different audience.

The company lists over 2,200 stores in its network and additionally has online stores for each of its Brands. It has a presence in 40 countries.

We are ambitious, which means that we are constantly looking for new challenges and striving to improve.

Our biggest strength is our team, which today consists of more than 30,000 talented people in its offices and stores. Their passion motivates us to still have the energy and courage to reach for more.



• Organization and supervision of the negotiation process, design, technical specifications, analysis of bids, and construction of new LPP stores in the Greece.

• Supervision of the investment process according to the schedule and budget.

• Verification of the technical condition of buildings, conducting inspections, preparing reports, and receiving premises from premises owners.

• Coordination of the design process and all parties involved: owners, internal and external architects, mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic engineering consultants, and contractor management.

• Coordination of licensing and approval processes with local authorities.

• Identification of local construction companies and maintenance of good relationships with them.

• Supervision of restructuring works according to project documentation, company standards, and Greek legislation.

• Handover of stores to the Regional Sales Managers (RSM) team and continuous communication with them during the opening process to resolve technical issues.

• Risk assessment and management.

• Continuous support for stores in repair and maintenance works (construction, electrical, furniture, equipment, etc.).

• Budget planning and data analysis.

• Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, or a related technical field.

• Over 2 years of experience in a similar position.

• Experience in construction projects.

• Work experience in Shopping Centers or retail chains will be considered an additional qualification.

• Excellent command of the English language (both verbal and written communication).

• Excellent computer skills (MS Office, MS Project) and experience with applications.

• Good understanding of implementation studies and coordination of technical plans.

• Flexibility, Adaptability, and Team Spirit.

• Very good organizational, communication, and negotiation skills.

• Excellent time management and adherence to schedules and deadlines.

• High performance and results orientation.

• Ability to travel for professional purposes.

  • Annual bonus grant by the target setting related to the company's profitability.
  • Private health insurance.
  • Discounts for purchases at LPP stores in Greece and online.
  • Provision of company car, mobile phone, and laptop.
  • Continuous training and education.
  • Prospects for growth and development within the company.
  • Pleasant working environment.


Η LPP GREECE που εδρεύει στην Αθήνα, στην οδό Άγγελου Πυρρή 5 & Ευήνου, ως Υπεύθυνος Επεξεργασίας επεξεργάζεται τα προσωπικά σας δεδομένα αποκλειστικά στο μέτρο που απαιτείται κατά την διαδικασία συνέντευξης και ενδεχόμενης πρόσληψης και έχει λάβει όλα τα κατάλληλα τεχνικά και οργανωτικά μέτρα για την προστασία των προσωπικών δεδομένων σας σύμφωνα με την ισχύουσα ελληνική νομοθεσία και τις διατάξεις του Γενικού Κανονισμού Προστασίας Προσωπικών Δεδομένων (ΕΕ) 2016/679. Τα δεδομένα που γνωστοποιείτε στην LPP GREECE  μέσω της αίτησης σας θα διατηρούνται για τυχόν μελλοντική χρήση για χρονικό διάστημα έξι  μηνών από τη λήψη τους προς αξιοποίηση μελλοντικής πρόσληψης. Για την εκπλήρωση των ανωτέρω αναφερομένων σκοπών επεξεργασίας των προσωπικών σας δεδομένων η LPP GREECE  δύναται να γνωστοποιεί ή να διαβιβάζει προσωπικά δεδομένα που μας έχετε δώσει σε θυγατρικές ή συνδεδεμένες με την LPP GREECE εταιρείες. Μπορείτε ανά πάσα στιγμή με αίτημα σας στην  LPP GREECE να ασκήσετε τα δικαιώματα που προβλέπει ο Κανονισμός, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του δικαιώματος ενημέρωσης και πρόσβασης, διόρθωσης, διαγραφής, περιορισμού της επεξεργασίας,  φορητότητας και του δικαιώματος αντίρρησης ως προς την επεξεργασία μέσω email στη διεύθυνση [email protected] , αλλά και να απευθυνθείτε στην Αρχή Προστασίας Προσωπικών Δεδομένων (www.dpa.gr).

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