BPR IT Consulting Manager

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icon briefcase Jenis Pekerjaan : Full-Time

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Deskripsi Pekerjaan - BPR IT Consulting Manager


  1. Objectively & logically propose solution, ideas, along with approach.
  2. Visualize overall Project condition, identify & resolve project issues, and potential risks to client/ supervisor.
  3. Initiate and facilitate meetings between Client & Vendors to accelerate decision making and issue solving.
  4. Pro-active and be responsible for the smoothness of the project.
  5. Collaborate with other parties/ business partners and maintain good communication with them.
  6. Foster good communication and atmosphere among project teams.
  7. Standardize overall project deliverables based on ABeam Project management methodology.
  8. Keep learning and developing new skills, as well as encourage team member's skills development.


  1. 7+ years proven experience in leading a large-scale Business/Operation Process Reengineering, preferable in financial industry.
  2. Experience in handling and coordinating multiple Project Implementation, including the Post Go Live Monitoring.
  3. Flexible and agile, in accordance to the very dynamic Business Operation; Quick to pin-point Critical issues that need immediate fixing and also identify opportunities to build Efficient & Productive Operation.
  4. Have strong logical thinking skill and can work independently with minimum supervision.
  5. Good communication and interpersonal skill. Not hesitate to discuss with Clients at equivalent level and good at constructing relationship.
  6. Ability to collaborate with various Stakeholders (Business, Technical), proceed and coordinate the Project through proper Project Management methodology.
  7. Able to adapt new technology and current trend in IT field.
  8. Integrity, curiosity and strong willingness to learn new things from any situation as a professional consultant.
  9. Pro-active and self-motivated, able to work in defined schedule in a fast-paced environment.
  10. Fluent English for both speaking and writing.

About us

From business process re-engineering to global business expansion for Japanese corporations, we have served our clients through more than 40 years of growth. With our vision of being the No. 1 global consulting firm from Asia, ABeam Consulting helps our clients take on the challenge of business transformation. With 5,900 consultants in Japan, and 2,400 in overseas offices concentrated in Asia, our 8,300 consultants and global alliance partners provide truly comprehensive services.

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