Crewing Supervisor - Jakarta

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Deskripsi Pekerjaan - Crewing Supervisor - Jakarta


- Monitor the crew fulfillment process for Harbour Tug vessels.
- Review and develop efficient and effective work systems.
- Conduct interviews for all prospective crew members.
- Oversee and ensure proper execution of crew rotation, onboarding, rejoining, and offboarding processes.
- Ensure complete and accurate handover and familiarization of crew members.
- Monitor the validity of sea contracts and crew documentation. JOB REQUIREMENT

- Maritime background with a minimum qualification of ATT III / ANT III in Management or at least a Diploma 3 in KALK, non seafarers experiences also welcome to apply
- Minimum of 2 years of experience as a Crewing Supervisor.
- Strong desire to learn and manage crew operations onshore.
- Ability to work under pressure, meet tight deadlines, and adapt to dynamic situations.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
- Placement: Kelapa Gading

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"HiredToday.com and the Company will not ask for any form of payment during the recruitment process. Please report to us immediately, if you are invited for an interview and asked to make a payment with a sum of money."

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