Director of Sales / DOSM

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Deskripsi Pekerjaan - Director of Sales / DOSM


Job Summary : 

Functions as the leader of the property’s sales department for properties with bookings over 110 rooms, Restaurant, Bar and local catering venue. Manages the property's reactive and proactive sales efforts. Provides day to day leadership to sales associates to achieve property sales objectives with overall responsibility for achieving booking goals and property revenues. Implements the brand’s service strategy and applicable brand initiatives in all aspects of the sales process and focuses on building long-term, value-based customer relationships that enable achievement of the hotel’s’ sales objectives. Evaluates the property’s participation in the various sales channels and develops strong working relationships to proactively position and market the property. Manages the marketing budget to enable development of property specific campaigns, promotions and collateral to drive revenue and meet property objectives. Develops and implements property–wide strategies that deliver products and services to meet or exceed the needs and expectations of the brand’s target customer profile and property associates and provides a return on investment to the owner and AKAR Hotels & Resorts.


• 2-year degree from an accredited university in Business Administration, Marketing, Hotel and Restaurant Management, or related major; 4 years experience in the sales and marketing or related professional area.
• 4-year bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Marketing, Hotel and Restaurant Management, or related major; 2 years experience in the sales and marketing or related professional area.

• 4 year college degree.
• Demonstrated skills in supervising a team.
• Lodging sales experience.
• Hotel industry work experience, demonstrating progressive career growth and a pattern of exceptional performance.

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