ERP Consultant

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Deskripsi Pekerjaan - ERP Consultant


Job Description :
• Lead the entire ERP implementation project, from project initiation to post-deployment support, ensuring a smooth transition for clients.
• Identify and analyze clients' business processes, configuring these processes in our ERP system.
• Lead training sessions to ensure clients are proficient in using the ERP system.
• Provide comprehensive support throughout the implementation process and address client requirements or issues as they arise.
• Create clear, user-friendly documentation and guides for clients.
• Manage clients' transition to new ERP systems and monitor system performance post-implementation.
• Collaborate with the development team on server setup and system deployment. JOB REQUIREMENT

• Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems, Accounting, Computerized Accounting, Industrial Engineering or a related field with a minimum GPA of 3.00.
• 0-3 years of experience in ERP consulting, implementation, or related field.
• Strong communication and presentation abilities.
• Proficient in project management and interpersonal relations.
• Excellent analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and attention to detail.
• Working knowledge of accounting principles is a plus.
• Demonstrated ability to learn new technologies and business processes quickly.
• Self-motivated, hardworking, and responsible.
• Willing to be Full WFO in Jakarta (Sudirman).

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