
Financial Services IT Consulting Manager

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Deskripsi Pekerjaan - Financial Services IT Consulting Manager


  1. Manage the project by leading PM tasks such as Entire Project Planning, Progress management, Project Execution and Issue Management
  2. Involved with end-to-end sales activities with support from our Indonesia management team and global/regional Asset Finance team.
  3. Lead consulting service delivery as an engagement manager.
  4. Lead the meeting by facilitating with client, ABeam Internal, Sales activity and Opportunity Creation


  1. Min 5+ years of relevant managerial experience from consulting firm and leasing or auto-finance.
  2. Experience in system planning and system implementation projects for multi finance institutions.
  3. Knowledge and experience of the system implementation lifecycle in multi-finance, from requirements definition to design, development, and testing (regardless of type, such as scratch, ERP, etc.)
  4. Project management experience (IT projects, PM, PMO is a plus).
  5. Experience of system implementation (design/development/testing/operation)
  6. Experience in proposal work
  7. Proficient in English is mandatory 

About us

From business process re-engineering to global business expansion for Japanese corporations, we have served our clients through more than 40 years of growth. With our vision of being the No. 1 global consulting firm from Asia, ABeam Consulting helps our clients take on the challenge of business transformation. With 5,900 consultants in Japan, and 2,400 in overseas offices concentrated in Asia, our 8,300 consultants and global alliance partners provide truly comprehensive services.

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