Laminating Machine Operator

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Deskripsi Pekerjaan - Laminating Machine Operator


We are currently seeking a skilled Laminating Machine Operator to join our production team. If you have experience operating laminating machinery and are passionate about working in a dynamic manufacturing environment, this is your opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of our company. JOB REQUIREMENT

• Minimum of 2 years of experience operating laminating machines in a manufacturing environment, preferably in packaging.
• Strong understanding of laminating processes, machine setup, and maintenance.
• Ability to read and interpret technical specifications and production orders.
• Excellent problem-solving and troubleshooting skills.
• Detail-oriented with a focus on quality and precision.
• Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
• Good communication skills and a team-oriented mindset.
• Familiarity with safety regulations and a commitment to maintaining a safe work environment.

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"HiredToday.com and the Company will not ask for any form of payment during the recruitment process. Please report to us immediately, if you are invited for an interview and asked to make a payment with a sum of money."

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