QA Automation (Katalon)

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Deskripsi Pekerjaan - QA Automation (Katalon)


Job Purpose : Play a critical role in the area of software quality engineering. Responsible primarily to test and automate the tests as part of the CI/CD pipeline. Additionally responsible for promoting knowledge, expertise and standards for modern software testing and QA to ensure the best customer experience for all our digital channels, without compromising the velocity of delivery.

Responsibilities : 

• Work in Scrum squad as a specialist QA
• Assist squad to formulate the definition of done and the acceptance criteria based on the user story/requirements
• Design test data requirements, test scripts, test methodology and test coverage plan
• Execute test during sprint and write automation scripts for the tests at the end of sprint
• Collaborate with DevOps team to implement the automated tests as part of the CI/CD pipeline
• Prepare test reports and dashboards as part of sprint deliverables


• B.S. in Computer Science, Information Systems or equivalent
• Minimum 3 years in software testing role
• Experience with test automation tools (Katalon Studio, Appium, Selenium)
• Experience with Cucumber and Gherkin is a huge plus
• Experience in creation & usage of SQL queries
• Analytical and curious about the workings of software
• Ability to work independently without constant supervision
• Strong sense of ownership and good follow-through skills
• Strong relationship building and interpersonal skills
• Experience working in an agile environment

Mandatory Skills : 

• Proficient with the Agile Method
• Proficient with automation for mobile, both iOS and Android
• Proficient in using Katalon

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