Sales Manager

icon building Perusahaan : Talent Insider
icon briefcase Jenis Pekerjaan : Full-Time

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Deskripsi Pekerjaan - Sales Manager

Job Description:

  1. Manage and build partnerships with dealers, including D-level communication.
  2. Manage regional operations, team administration, sales policies, and related activities.
  3. Possess extensive knowledge of the heavy equipment industry to develop effective strategies for achieving sales targets.
  4. Execute plans with precision and strategically implement internal initiatives to drive results.
  5. Possess extensive knowledge of the heavy equipment industry to develop effective strategies for achieving sales targets.

Job Requirements:

  1. Min Bachelors degree in mechanical engineering or business major (or equivalent major)
  2. Proven experience in sales management within the heavy equipment industry.
  3. Strong knowledge of heavy equipment products, market dynamics, and customer needs.
  4. Ability to analyze data and develop actionable strategies.
  5. Willingness to travel as needed to meet clients and oversee regional operations.
Original job Sales Manager posted on GrabJobs ©. To flag any issues with this job please use the Report Job button on GrabJobs.

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