Account Manager

icon building Azienda : Viva.Com
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Descrizione Lavoro - Account Manager

Are you an Account Manager with a passion for digital payments / finance, looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a dynamic and innovative company? If so, you might be the perfect fit for Viva.com, Europe’s first acquirer that powers merchant payments acceptance across 24 countries and 1.165+ devices. We are looking for talented and motivated individuals to join our team and help us shape the future of payments.

Don't miss this chance to propel your career forward and make a significant impact in a thriving industry. Apply now to embark on a journey of professional growth and success with viva.com!

Why viva.com

Viva.com is Europe’s first acquirer powering merchant payments acceptance across 24 countries and 1.165+ devices. With an ECB approved banking license and presence in 24 European markets, Viva.com’s Tap on Any Device technology for in-store payments, Smart Checkout payment gateway for online payments, and marketplace payment solution, help European businesses of any size to accept and manage payments how they want. All of Viva.com’s technology is built in-house over MS Azure, and is fully scalable, supporting any payment checkout journey.

Viva.com provides a seamless, conversion-boosting omnichannel payments platform, featuring acceptance of 40+ payment methods across 17 languages and 9 currencies. Viva.com’s ever-expanding financial services' suite includes value added features such as Real-Time Settlement; Offline Payments minimising chances of losing a sale; a Viva.com business debit card to manage corporate expenses, while reducing acceptance fees to as low as 0%; and Merchant Advance. 

About the role:

  • Work with existing Viva Wallet customers to develop and execute sales strategies to expand Viva Wallet’s revenue.
  • Identify customers with declining revenue trends, account closure notifications or dormant accounts.
  • Develop relationships with decision makers within your book of business.
  • Be responsible for account mapping and coordinating effective meetings with the appropriate external decision makers expanding the customer relationship.
  • Own the full sales cycle covering account development, deal structuring and negotiating to close the sale.


What we’re looking for, you will:

  • Possess a proven track record of achieving sales targets.
  • An experience in the Payment Industry is a plus.
  • Be able to identify customer technical and commercial requirements to craft solutions.
  • Hold strong presentation skills, particularly over the phone or with video meetings.
  • Be a confident negotiator to achieve win-win commercial agreements and close sales.
  • Possesses collaboration skills, able to work with a wide range of people to get stuff done.
  • Hold a strong interest in technology, with the desire to become a payments subject matter expert.
  • Fluent in English
Original job Account Manager posted on GrabJobs ©. To flag any issues with this job please use the Report Job button on GrabJobs.

This job is no longer accepting applications.

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