
Elektrotechniker für den Bereich Customer Support (m/w/d)

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Descrizione Lavoro - Elektrotechniker für den Bereich Customer Support (m/w/d)

  • In the Customer Support team, you will be responsible for the commissioning, maintenance and repair of our extrusion systems.
  • To do this, you will regularly travel to our customers worldwide (approx. 6-7 assignments per year, usually 1-2 weeks on site). However, you will spend the majority of your working time in our in-house technical center, where each extrusion line is planned, set up and approved by the customer.
  • Your tasks will also include setting up wiring diagrams, handing over the systems to the customer and training the customer's future operating personnel.
  • You enjoy developing and implementing practical solutions to problems in the event of faults based on the results of system analyses. 
  • You focus on customer satisfaction at all times.
  • You have completed training as an electronics technician (m/f/d) and further training as a state-certified technician (m/f/d) or have a comparable qualification.
  • Ideally, you have already gained some comparable professional experience and have basic knowledge of measurement and control technology.
  • You are looking forward to working for a globally active company, are willing to travel worldwide and can communicate professionally in English (written and spoken).
  • A self-confident manner and an independent way of working round off your profile.
  • You are tech-savvy and enjoy working with digital software solutions, especially Linux, Windows 11 and Microsoft Office.
  • Challenging and varied tasks, independent work and creative freedom in an international company
  • Extensive induction and further training opportunities
  • Pleasant working atmosphere and modern workplace equipment
  • Flexible working hours
  • Attractive development opportunities
  • Performance-related pay and a pension plan with an above-average employer contribution
  • Regular employee events  
  • Bicycle leasing (with employer subsidy)
  • Low-cost charging options for e-cars and e-bikes
Original job Elektrotechniker für den Bereich Customer Support (m/w/d) posted on GrabJobs ©. To flag any issues with this job please use the Report Job button on GrabJobs.
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