Descrizione Lavoro - General Maintenance Technician
Lane Valente Industriesis a Leading International construction and facility maintenance company with offices throughout the U.S. and Canada. We have a strong in-house group of field technicians that services top U.S. corporations and are supported by top notch managers in our offices. We are always looking for talented people driven to be highly productive members of the team with an emphasis on integrity and learning.
CURRENT OPPORTUNITY: General Maintenance Technician
National maintenance and construction firm is recruiting General Maintenance Technician, willing to travel for full-time commercial construction projects across the United States. JOB REQUIREMENTS: Tradesperson must be proficient in following skills: Carpentry
partition framing metal/wood studs, installation of basic cabinetry/countertops, installation of doors/window
interior & exterior
installation of VCT, LVT, tile, carpet squares and cove base
Basic knowledge of the following skills: Plumbing
replacement/installation of sinks, faucets, toilets and basic drainage and water lines (licensed plumbers encouraged to apply)
replacement installation of light fixtures, switches and outlets, capable of basic data connections and able to diagnose minor electrical problems (licensed electricians encouraged to apply)
Knowledge of refrigeration, PM Service calls
Commercial renovations/buildouts
Basic computer skills
Ability to follow OSHA requirements
Presentable and possess the ability to communicate with customers to build relationships
Detailed when it comes to repairs made, including but not limited to measurements, pictures, recommendations for repairs and quotes
Ability to work overtime and/or on-call as workload and emergency issues dictate
Willing and able to travel and work overnight shifts throughout the United States when needed.
Minimum of 3 years of experience in construction or commercial maintenance
Supply basic construction hand tools
OSHA 10hr or the completion of OSHA 10hr within 3 months of employment (paid by employer)
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