Descrizione Lavoro - Merchandiser Auditor Position Available -ROME GA
CCMI has merchandising opportunities in areas across the US. We are hiring merchandisers for Audits and basic merchandising assignments. Read through this ad to ensure you can do this work Ready to register with us now? Use the link below to begin: Will only be considered for any available assignments if you register on the CCMI website. - CLICK on JOB opportunities to complete your registration Do you work well independently? Do you follow written instructions well? Do you follow directions precisely? Can you take photos and upload them to an online store call report to record your store visit? Do you have a strong work ethic? Do you show up to work on time? Do you have reliable transportation? Do you handle face to face interaction well? Do you want to work strictly part time? Can you work well with little to no immediate supervision? Must have email and check email daily. Must reply to manager in a timely manner. Must complete all job assignments on time and accurately. To see all open assignments available, rates of pay, assignment details and locations, please visit our home page and CLICK on VIEW ALL under open opportunities.
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