Modeling Systems Engineer - Automotive (2027)

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Descripción del trabajo - Modeling Systems Engineer - Automotive (2027)

The Modeling Systems Engineer plays a crucial role in Platform System development, ensuring a high-quality design that includes structure, architecture, requirements, behavior, and analysis. They verify system performance by modeling real-world behavior before implementation.

MSE Engineer responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring the platform system design is robust, efficient, and aligned with project needs.
  • Defining the system's structure and architecture, organizing components and subsystems effectively.
  • Capturing and documenting key system requirements, making sure all project needs are clearly defined and achievable.
  • Analyzing system behavior, including simulating performance in different scenarios to ensure proper functioning under various conditions.
  • Conducting detailed analyses to verify design feasibility and performance.

Skills Required:

a. Experience with SysML, UML, UPDM or other system modeling language.

b. Experience with system modeling tools such as Enterprise Architect, MagicDraw, Rhapsod .

c. System and/or Software editions.

d. Knowledge of vehicle component functions related to Braking, Propulsion, Steering.

Able to work flexibly across multiple disciplines.

Strong listening, written, and oral communication skills.

Strong internal motivation to learn and adapt.

Ability to articulate ideas to both technical and non-technical addressees.

Fluent in English, working with people in USA.

Experience in Agile project involvement.

Sueldo base

•           Seguro de Gastos Médicos Mayores (incluye plan dental y visión)

•           15 días de aguinaldo

•           25% de prima vacacional

•           12 días de vacaciones (A partir del primer año)

•           Seguro social

•           PTU/Reparto de utilidades

•           Vales de despensa quincenales

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