The applicant is responsible for the provision of covered services to enrolled and unassigned patients presenting for care.
providing all aspects of professional nursing services consistent with licensure.
Enhancing patient safety and quality of care.
Participating in modes of communication and care delivery.
The applicant shall manage patients in transition between levels of care, serves as an expert resource to implement and teach skills.
The applicant promotes systems to improve access and continuity of care, uses advanced clinical knowledge and critical thinking skills to mentor staff in planning, implementing and evaluating interventions that improve patient outcomes.
The applicant shall have a valid and unrestricted State Nursing License
The applicant shall have a current Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification with American Heart Association
The applicant shall have a current Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Certification with American Heart Association
The applicant shall have a Pediatric Advance Life Support (PALS) Certification with American Heart Association
The applicant shall have 2 years or more OR experience; ASPAN member a plus
The applicant shall have an Associate RN Degree, Minimum
The applicant shall have an Experience for General Surgery, ENT, Ortho, Oral Surgery, OB/GYN, Orthopedic, Podiatry, Pedi Dental and Endoscopy, scrubbing role skills a plus.
The applicant shall have a Familiar with the AORNs standards, Infection Control, Safety and Joint Commission standards.
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