
Receptionist/Office Manager Dental

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Job Description - Receptionist/Office Manager Dental

Do you have medical or other customer service experience?

Colombo Street Dental is growing and is looking for a full-time receptionist/office manager.

This job has a salary of between 60,000 and 75,000 a year for a 40-hour per week role, depending on previous job experience.

The core role will have you working as part of the team that manages the clinic, with your main role involving administrative tasks and front of house responsibilities.

Although experience in the dental or medical field is prioritized, any previous experience in customer service, especially phone work, will be a core asset to this role.

How do your skills match this job?

Your application will include the following questions:

  1. Which of the following statements best describes your right to work in New Zealand?
  2. How many years' experience do you have as an office manager?
  3. What's your expected annual base salary?
  4. How much notice are you required to give your current employer?
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