
Warehouse Operator - Pulp Store

icon building Company : Tangram
icon briefcase Job Type : Full Time

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Job Description - Warehouse Operator - Pulp Store

We are looking for forklift drivers in our Pulp Store involving pulp marshalling operations and container packing. C3 currently manage Warehouse Operations at Sulpur Point and The Mount where we pack export containers for a range of customers, handling a wide range of products.

Our Pulp Store operation runs 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, with 12-hour shifts. Flexibility with availability is essential to meet the needs of our customers' shipping plans. On offer are permanent positions with a guaranteed minimum number of hours.

For these roles we are looking for experienced operators to drive forklifts between 3-16 tonne lifting capacity, as well as perform manual warehouse tasks. The main functions are transfer of product from rail, warehousing activities and loading containers.

The staff we require need to be reliable and dedicated team players, who are keen to help build a safe and efficient warehouse operation. Good time management skills are essential, and applicants need to be motivated and responsive due to a need to meet often changing customer requirements, shipping schedules and production deadlines.

Requirements for the position are:

  1. Experience in operating large forklifts
  2. Good attention to detail, with admin skills an advantage
  3. Commitment to the Health and Safety of you and your team
  4. F and OSH forklift endorsements preferred
  5. Class 2 licence preferred

Successful applicants will be required to pass a pre-employment medical and drug & alcohol screen. There is also a requirement to pass a criminal records check.

Original job Warehouse Operator - Pulp Store posted on GrabJobs ©. To flag any issues with this job please use the Report Job button on GrabJobs.
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