Customer Success Manager [025559]

icon building Empresa : Playtech
icon briefcase Tipo de empleo : Tiempo completo

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Descripción del trabajo - Customer Success Manager [025559]

Company Description

Playtech Lima is part of Playtech - the world's largest online gaming software supplier traded on the London Stock Exchange Main Market Playtech offers cutting-edge, value added solutions to the industry's leading gaming operators. Since Playtech's inception in 1999, our approach has been centered on continual development. Playtech Lima represents Playtech Live product, and our studios contain hundreds of state-of-the-art cameras, broadcasting in premium HD quality, offering the fastest streaming and highest up-time in the market.

Job Description

  • Build and strengthen client relationships to achieve long-term partnerships. 
  • To organize and plan daily work connected to managing customer relations.
  • To execute customer relation policies and procedures.
  • To implement the company's strategy of customer relation management to improve service quality.
  • Identify upsell, cross-sell, and growth opportunities.
  • To perform the licensees’ live offering analysis and offer possible ways to improve it.
  • To develop and maintain sustainable relations with existing and new customers.
  • To lead and coordinate regular meetings with customers.
  • To serve as main point of contact in all matters related to client.
  • To provide consultation and help to customers that use services of the company.
  • To oversee communication with customers that are connected to special cases in the facility, customer’ complaint and different non-standard cases.
  • To plan, supervise and coordinate progress of current projects.
  • To develop a thorough understanding of company’s products and service offerings to better upsell and cross-sell to clients.
  • To work with internal teams and partners to develop strategic plans and ensure KPIs are being met.
  • To ensure the timely and successful delivery of our solutions according to customer needs and objectives.
  • To clearly communicate the progress of monthly/quarterly initiatives to internal and external stakeholders
  • To inform customers about newest releases, updates news related to company’s product and services.
  • To analyse information connected to the customer and collect data to identify customer relations enhancement opportunities.
  • To handle inquiries and requests from customers and address their need.
  • To present proposals to improve customer service, as well as promote and realize the implementation of proposals.
  • To generate progress reports for clients and managers within the organization.
  • To carry out any additional duties within the competence of held position as instructed by the management.



  • At least 3 years of experience in the position.
  • Excellent communication, influencing and listening skills.
  • Fluent English to communicate in writing and voice with customers around the world.
  • Fluent Portuguese. 
  • Ability to deliver client-focused solutions to customer needs
  • Ability to communicate and influence key stakeholders at all levels of an organization.
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