
Technology Evaluator - Software Development

icon building Empresa : Tekton-labs
icon briefcase Tipo de empleo : Tiempo parcial
icon remote-alt Remote / Work from Home

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Descripción del trabajo - Technology Evaluator - Software Development

We are Tekton Labs, a technology consulting and software development company, founded in Silicon Valley and with offices in Peru, Mexico and the United States. We have 16 years of experience designing and developing innovative solutions to help companies (and especially people!) achieve their goals. As we grow, the challenges increase and this is why we seek to integrate EXTERNAL TECHNICAL EVALUATORS to our team.

We use diverse technologies such as Java, .Net, React, Node, Mulesoft, PHP, Adobe, RoR, Python, among others. So if you are interested in becoming an evaluator, send us your CV.


  • Have more than 5 years in the development area.
  • Preferably, be certified in the technology to be evaluated (Not mandatory).
  • Communicative English.
Original job Technology Evaluator - Software Development posted on GrabJobs ©. To flag any issues with this job please use the Report Job button on GrabJobs.

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