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1. Promotes healthy habits and disease prevention by educating employees through lectures, counsellings, fliers, leaflets and posters posted in the company bulletin board.

2. Educates and Trains employees on Safety and Health.

3. Administers first aid treatment and proper medications to employees as needed.

4. Accompanies injured employees to the nearest hospital in case of work-related accident.

5. Monitors, records and reports symptoms and changes in patient's conditions.

6. Maintains complete and accurate medical and other health-related records of all employees.

7. Assesses returning employees from sick leave and ensures submission of medical certificate upon return to work.

8. Evaluates diagnostic test results and medical certificates to determine employees' medical condition.

9. Assists Company Physician during consultation schedule.

10. Assists and coordinates in the annual, regular and pre-employment medical and physical examinations of employees.

11. Monitors and reports dispensed and stocked inventory of medicines and other necessary supplies and equipment from time to time.

12. Makes clinic monthly reports for submission to HR and Admin Department.

13. Conducts and submits canteen inspection monthly.

14. Reviews and submits employees maternity and sickness benefit claims.

15. Monitors maternity leave and pregnancy status of employees.

16. Submits DOLE monthly WAIR and annual medical reports.

17. Implements occupational safety and health programs.

18. Assists the Occupational Safety and Health committee in formulating and implementing preventive measures against occupational hazards and promoting healthy living and working conditions.

19. Remains up-to-date with the current health and safety legislation especially in times of pandemic.

20. Assists in HR and Admin activities and perform other related tasks that maybe assigned by superiors from time to time.

Original job OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSE posted on GrabJobs ©. To flag any issues with this job please use the Report Job button on GrabJobs.

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