Store Manager

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Job Description - Store Manager


  1. Bachelor's degree in Business or any related field.
  2. Three to five years of experience in handling store operations.
  3. In-depth knowledge of customer service and leadership skills.
  4. Strong analytical skills.


  1. Customer Service:
    Ensures an excellent customer experience within all the stores of the region in all areas of the business (sales floor, tills, stockrooms, etc). Assures customer service deployment in the stores and guarantees that all the teams follow the company standards established by the brand, leading always by example.
  2. Store Processes:
    Supervises the different types of processes within the stores in order to optimize the operational performance of the brand.
  3. Product:
    Ensures the correct image of the section when performing all the tasks of the store: window, stockroom, replenishment, etc.
  4. People Management:
    Evaluates the management team of the stores in order to detect areas of improvement and place the optimal candidate in the right position within the department.
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