Technical Engineering Manager

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Job Description - Technical Engineering Manager


  1. Design, implement, maintain, or improve electrical instruments, equipment, facilities, components, products, or systems for various uses.
  2. Prepare technical drawings and specifications of electrical systems to ensure installation and operations are within standards of requirements and regulations.
  3. Project manage installations, maintenance, and testing activities.
  4. Prepare specifications for purchasing of materials or equipment.
  5. Estimate labor, material, or construction costs and create a budget for the project.
  6. Set up systems for monitoring and maintenance of electrical systems and equipment.
  7. Actively participate in project bidding.
  8. Provide excellent customer service for existing clients and prospective clients.


  1. Manage, coach, and teach others while also being capable of working independently.
  2. Highly organized, able to prioritize tasks and complete multiple projects on a deadline.
  3. Strong quantitative and technical skills.
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