Mobile Developer (iOS)

icon building Empresa : Mindera
icon briefcase Tipo de Emprego : Periodo Integral
icon remote-alt Remote / Work from Home

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Descrição do Emprego - Mobile Developer (iOS)

Here at Mindera, we are continuously developing a fantastic team, and would love it for you to join us. As an iOS Developer you will be responsible for creating fast, fluid, responsive and reliable mobile applications that provide our customers a rewarding experience. You’ll have an opportunity to participate in the whole development cycle, using modern technologies, architectures and processes.

National and international expected traveling time varies according to project/client and organisational needs: 0%-15% estimated.

You Rock at

  • Swift, Cocoa Touch and other Apple frameworks
  • Being self-driven and working with little supervision towards a common team or company purpose.
  • Creating fluid visual interactions, creating and implementing mobile user experience patterns
  • Having a sense of craftsmanship in what you produce, seeking the best solutions and being proud of the final outcome
  • Keeping up with the latest trends, architectures, ideas and technologies in the mobile ecosystem
  • Being a team player, sharing knowledge and leading by example

You are good at

  • Agile mindset and methodologies such as Scrum and Kanban.
  • Developing and maintaining iOS applications from the requirements to the App Store.
  • Producing clean and organized code, taking advantage of software design patterns, architectural patterns and data structures.

Nice to have

  • Experience with FRP framework (ReactiveCocoa, RxSwift, etc)
  • Experience with MVVM(-C) architecture
  • Experience with Functional programming/concepts
  • Experience with CI/CD development methodologies and tools (fastlane, Jenkins, Travis, GoCD, etc)
  • Ability/experience testing code and/or writing testable code
  • Open Source contributions and/or willingness to contribute

What you will be doing

  • Developing and maintaining features in a collaborative, Agile environment;
  • Writing testable code and ensuring the test coverage stays at the agreed level;
  • Documenting your code;
  • Take ownership of your code every step of the way - from development to deployment and maintenance;
  • Diagnose issues in production and devise solutions for them;
  • Work both autonomously and collaboratively to complete tasks;
  • Be an integral part of solutions design and implementation;

The Things We Really Care About:

  • Health Insurance, because health comes first
  • Flexible working hours
  • Open holidays, take the time you need for yourself
  • Profit distribution for everyone
  • Mindera Annual Trip, Sports, and sharing groups to connect and have fun!
  • Training & conferences, create your own training plan
  • Child Care vouchers

Other Good Things:

  • Choose the Laptop and peripherals that best suit your needs
  • Hotspot with unlimited usage (PT), for work or Netflix ;)
  • We have amazing offices in Porto, Aveiro, and Coimbra if you want to physically connect with minders. Remote from Portugal is also an option. Remote from other Countries will depend on your current location and Projects.
  • At the offices, we have a wide range of snacks to keep you fed and healthy
  • Partnerships with local businesses

Most of all You get to work with a bunch of great people, where the whole team owns the project together in a politics-free environment. Our culture reflects our lean and self-organization attitude. We encourage our colleagues to take risks, make decisions, work in a collaborative way and talk to everyone to enhance communication. Freedom and Responsibility go hand in hand, and we value commitment, feedback, and empathy.

About Mindera

At Mindera we use technology to build products we are proud of, with people we love.

Software Engineering Applications, including Web and Mobile, are at the core of what we do at Mindera.

We partner with our clients, to understand their products and deliver high-performance, resilient and scalable software systems that create an impact in their users and businesses across the world.

You get to work with a bunch of great people, where the whole team owns the project together.

Our culture reflects our lean and self management attitude. We encourage our colleagues to take risks, make decisions, work in a collaborative way and talk to everyone to enhance communication.

We are proud of our work and we love to learn all and everything while navigating through an Agile, Lean and collaborative environment.

Check out our Blog and our Handbook!

Our offices are located: Porto, Portugal | Aveiro, Portugal | Coimbra, Portugal | Leicester, UK | San Diego, USA | San Francisco, USA | Chennai, India | Bengaluru, India | Cluj-Napoca, Romania | Blumenau, Brazil

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