Sales Consultant For Google Ads - German Speaker In Lisbon

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Descrição do Emprego - Sales Consultant For Google Ads - German Speaker In Lisbon

What you'll do As a Sales Consultant for Google Ads, you'll give assistance while improving profit margins and customer sales;
Give customer support while constructing online advertising campaigns and optimize it continuously;
Provide individual solutions and customer-oriented marketing strategies. What you'll need Language skills:
German speaker (C2 level or native) and a B2-level in English;
Passion for sales;
Competitive and a risk-taker;
At least a High School Diploma or Completed Vocational Training;
As a Sales Consultant for Google Ads, you'll need strong interest in Online Marketing;
Excellent communicationand negotiation skills to help clients build and optimize online advertising campaigns;
European citizenship orwork permit for Portugal;
Strategic mindset to provide diverse Marketing solutions to clients. Benefits Flight to Lisbon;
An annual return flightto your home country;
Accommodation in one ofour company apartments from the 1st day;
Health Insurance since day one in the company;
Possibility to learn with the best sales team;
Respectful and inclusive environment;
Google Certified training to become a specialized Advisor on Online Advertising Campaigns;
Free monthly activitiessuch as sports tournaments, festivals, sports, hikes and workshops;
Excellent career opportunity in a multinational, industry leader.
Original job Sales Consultant For Google Ads - German Speaker In Lisbon posted on GrabJobs ©. To flag any issues with this job please use the Report Job button on GrabJobs.

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