Logistics EngineerManager

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Job Description - Logistics EngineerManager

Provide the basic functions of the website; Obtain audience insights; Allow users to use social media features;For more information you can read our Logistics Engineer/Manager - NAVY - QATAR H/F Description du posteM tierNavires de surface - Expert maintenanceIntitul du posteLogistics Engineer/Manager - NAVY - QATAR H/FContratContrat dur e ind termin e localDescription de la missionLong-term contract in QatarMissions :As a logistic expert, you will be working under the work contractual management of the DCI Project Manager and under the direct command of Qatar Armed Forces Maintenance & Logistic Commander.You will :Contribute to improve the operational capabilities of the QAF Navy by rationalizing its maintenance and logistics chains. Identify the current dysfunctions in the maintenance and logistics chains. If necessary, propose ways to improve the general functioning of the maintenance and logistics chains.ProfilRequired skillsFormer Naval officer, you have :an extensive knowledge of logistics activities related to maintenance, supply chain, and operations of military naval vessels. Comprehensive experience of technical requirements and administrative operations for vessel sustainment (wide range of size and type of vessels including corvettes) Sound shipyard and sub-systems' vendor management experience Good network and relationship with European vendors and ship builders Previous experience with NATO type qualifications and operations requirements including all aspects systems involved (weaponry, fire control, life support, ventilation, power generation, MEP, propulsion, communications, navigation, etc

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