Step 1
Post your job for free. Your job posting gets automatically sent to 20+ job sites in Singapore.
Step 2
Applicants from all job platforms answer your screening questions via GrabJob’s customizable chatbot.
Step 3
GrabJobs ranks candidates based on relevant job skills and job compatibility and helps you manage the entire hiring process.
Create a free account in
Singapore’s #1 Recruitment Platform.
Get your first job posted in minutes!
Join thousands of companies saving time and money on GrabJob’s recruitment platform.
Sign up to post a job for FREE today.
Sign-up for a free job posting account and post your job listing in minutes.
GrabJobs automatically posts your job ad to multiple employer platforms in Singapore, for free!
GrabJobs will get your job posting in front of thousands of qualified candidates in Singapore.
Interview Chatbots handle all your time-consuming & repetitive recruitment tasks, saving you time and money!
A better way to hire in Singapore! Manage each step of your hiring process, from new applicants to job offers, with our intuitive hiring platform.
GrabJobs is the hiring platform of choice for Singapore’s fastest growing F&B, hospitality and retail companies.
GrabJobs offers a 14-day trial during which you can post up to 5 jobs for free. You can upgrade to a paid plan at any point during or after your trial from your account dashboard within our employer platform.
Simply create a free job posting account in less than 2 minutes and start posting jobs on multiple recruitment platforms for free!
At the end of the trial, you'll be automatically downgraded to the free plan. You can upgrade to a paid plan at any time to enjoy the full benefits of our hiring platform!
Your jobs will be posted on GrabJobs as well as our curated list of partner job sites in Singapore. Applicants from all recruitment platforms will be centralized in your GrabJobs account dashboard.
All job ads are active for 30 days. You can choose to pause your job listing at any time or to re-publish tour post as a new active job ad.
GrabJobs offers flexible recruitment plans for all company sizes. Explore all our available subscription plans in Singapore.
“Finding good staff is always a challenge, especially in the F&B industry. We have used several recruiting platforms in the past but often failed to produce a single qualified candidate to interview.
We’re very happy with the quality of candidates GrabJobs brings us, the available features that we can use, and how easy it is to use their platform. We were able to find a great fit for our available position in a very short period of time.“
Cheang Hong Lim
“As a new business owner making my very first hire, GrabJobs made it so easy. I got more than 30 qualified applicants, interviewed 10 and hired 3 talented individuals in less than a month. I really enjoy the automated screening feature to filter out unqualified candidates. I will definitely be using GrabJobs for all my future hiring needs.”
Jeanette Aw
“GrabJobs made our hiring process easier and more efficient than ever. The platform offers helpful features, such as: automated job posting, candidate screening, and even interview scheduling. We’ve used GrabJobs to fill openings on 5 different roles and will definitely use them again in the future.”
Michelle Chong