
Dir-Marketing Communications - Marriott InternationalInc

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Job Description - Dir-Marketing Communications - Marriott InternationalInc

Job CategorySales& Marketing
LocationBab Samhana Luxury Collection Hotel Diriyah 7628 King Faisal Ibn Abd Al AzizRoad Diriyah Riyadh Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 13712
ScheduleFull Time
Position TypeManagement


The Director of MarketingCommunications is responsible for the planning direction controland coordination of all communication activities with an emphasison public relations. Promotes and maintains good communications inorder to enhance the prestigious image of the hotel and by doing socontributes to the revenues of thehotel.


Education andExperience


  • Highschool diploma or GED; 4 years experience in the sales andmarketing guest services front desk or related professionalarea.


  • 2yeardegree from an accredited university in Business AdministrationMarketing Hotel and Restaurant Management or related major; 2 yearsexperience in the sales and marketing or related professionalarea.


ManagingMarketing CommunicationsActivities

  • Develops anannual communications plan with specific goals and budgets asoutlined in the hotels marketing plan/communications manual.Prepares working plans to achieve goals and ensures thecommunications team is fully briefed on goals andprogress.
  • Compares actualachievements against goals on a regular basis and takes correctiveaction.
  • Assists the DOM inthe planning of all mailing activities and oversees theirexecution.
  • Ensures thatthe corporate ID manual is kept uptodate and implemented asappropriate.
  • Prepares on atimely basis the monthly sales & marketing communicationsreport.
  • Supervises anddirects photography for advertising collateral and public relationspurposes in liaison with the DOM the advertising agency and thefield marketing department at corporateoffice.
  • Ensures thedepartment has a comprehensive master slide/photo/CD library forall advertising collateral and public relations activities andregularly sends these to corporate office for the imagelibrary.
  • Supervisesoperations of the inhouse artdepartment.
  • Monitorsactivities of competitor hotels and trends within theindustry.

ManagingPublic RelationsActivities

  • Acts as officialspokesperson for the hotel when appropriate and responds to allmedia requests within 24hours.
  • Compiles andmaintains a comprehensive list of media contacts and manages themas per the media account management system. Delegates assignedaccounts to communications staff as appropriate but takes fullresponsibility for the key media by maintaining and developingcloserelationships
  • Preparespress releases for appropriate targeted media locally regionallyand internationally.
  • Worksclosely with the corporate and international press offices ondeveloping storyangles.
  • Plays a key rolein community and government relations as well as VIPhandling.
  • Securesopportunities directs and attends hotel sponsored events anddevelops targeted partnerrelationships.
  • Creates andorganizes press promotionalactivities.
  • Participatesin the press events/trips organized by the regional PR offices asrequired.
  • Conducts pressblitzes whenappropriate.
  • Ensures presskit information is comprehensive and keptuptodate.

ManagingAdvertising Activities

  • Workswith the DOM and advertising agency on the rooms and food &beverage tactical advertising campaigns creative and mediaplans.
  • Maximizesadvertising budget by ensuring that the hotels creative message andmedia activities are consistent with the advertising of sisterhotels and the company groupadvertising.
  • Ensures thatthe advertising creative is in synergy with the company projectinga consistent and qualitymessage.
  • Reviews thehotels market segmentation and other appropriate marketing reportsto ensure that the media scheduling matches thosesegments.
  • Monitors andmaintains media schedules as well as prompt settlement ofaccounts.

ManagingDirect MarketingActivities

  • Takes anintegrated approach to DM activities ensuring a consistent andquality image isprojected.
  • Assists the DOMin the planning implementation and tracking of electronic marketingactivities.
  • Maintainsbudgetcontrol.


  • Coordinates andexecutes production of all printed materials with assistance ofadvertising agencies following the specifications stipulated in thecorporate IDmanual.
  • Ensures hotelinformation is updated regularly on theinternet/intranet.
  • Supervisesthe production and quality of all displays and temporary signage inhotel publicareas.
  • Supervises andbudgets for quality gift items as appropriate. Ensures correctusage of hotel logo on gift items as stipulated in corporate IDmanual.
  • Supervises theinhouse graphic designer and/or printshop.

MarriottInternational is an equal opportunity employer. We believe inhiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive peoplefirstculture. We are committed to nondiscrimination on any protectedbasis such as disability and veteran status or any other basiscovered under applicablelaw.

The LuxuryCollection Hotels & Resorts with over 120 properties inmore than 35 countries offers the promise of authentic experiencesthat evoke lasting treasured memories. Our more than 100 years ofexperience beginning in 1906 under the Italian CIGA brand acollection of Europes most celebrated and iconic properties servesas a solid foundation as we continuously evolve to exceed thedesires of the luxurytraveler.

From legendarypalaces and remote retreats to timeless modern classics each luxuryhotel and resort is a unique and cherished expression of its localea portal to the destinations cultural charms and treasures. If youare someone with an appreciation for evocative storytelling a keeninterest and passion for this destinations heritage and a desire todeliver genuine personalized and anticipatory hospitality then weinvite you on our journey. In joining The Luxury Collection youjoin a portfolio of brands with Marriott International.Be where you can do your best workbegin your purpose belong toan amazing global team and become the bestversion of you.

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