Marketing Manager

salary Salary :

$6,500 - 10,000 monthly

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Job Description - Marketing Manager

Develop and execute comprehensive marketing strategies aligned with the company’s goals and objectives.

Design and manage marketing campaigns across various channels, including digital, print, and social media.

Conduct market research to understand industry trends, customer needs, and competitive landscape.

Analyze customer behavior and preferences to inform marketing strategies and identify target audiences.

Plan and execute advertising campaigns, including online ads, print ads, and outdoor advertising.

Develop and manage the marketing budget, allocating resources effectively to achieve marketing objectives.

Monitor expenses and ensure marketing activities are within budget.

Lead and manage the marketing team, providing guidance, support, and performance feedback.

Prepare and present reports on marketing performance, including campaign results and ROI.

Develop strategies to engage and retain customers through loyalty programs, personalized communication, and customer feedback.Stay updated on the latest marketing trends, technologies, and best practices.

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