
Associate Psychologist

salary Salary :

$3,800 - 4,500 monthly

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Job Description - Associate Psychologist


Together with a Psychologist / Senior Psychologist / HOD


  • Conduct comprehensive informal assessments (through observations & interactions) of each student with special needs, along with the trans D team, to understand their unique challenges, strengths and developmental needs to develop individualized plans for each child based on their specific needs.

Together with the Trans D team


  • Provide comprehensive learning support for students in the classroom through classroom management strategies / learning support strategies.
  • Provide behaviour management support for students by analysing behaviours using appropriate tools (FBA, escalation cycle, iceberg analysis, etc.) to address maladaptive behavioursand maintain appropriate documentation.
  • Monitor intervention goals, plans and outcome for individual students or whole class.
  • Guide staff to understand their child holistically, implement social, emotional, learning and intervention, customised to student’s needs.
  • Guide & support parents to understand their child holistically, implement social, emotional, learning and intervention, customised to student’s needs.
  • Monitor intervention goals, plans and outcome for individual students or whole class.
  • Provide consultations to parents/caregivers on needs basis.
  • Collaborate with external stakeholders such as hospitals, Ministries and or private clinics for student related matters.

Training & Support

  • Provide support when Psychologists are conducting workshops for parents/caregivers across programmes on a wide array of topics such as self-care, improving overall wellbeing, behaviour management, play & leisure activities etc.
  • Provide support when Psychologists are conducting training for staff across all programmes as required by the programmes.
  • Attend trainings relevant to the programme needs and one’s core skills in discussion with the HOD (subject to availability of funds).


  • Participate in research and programme evaluation projects.


  • Keep and maintain relevant documents / records of all assessment reports / protocols, case notes of intervention sessions & documents related to department / programmes / organisation.
  • Maintain inventory of department and make recommendations for purchases of new materials and equipment.
  • Participate actively in sub-committee meetings/Projects (some of which include Case & Review sub-committee & Professional Sub-committee etc) or any ad-hoc project.
  • Assist HOD in the administration of the department.

Other Assignments

  • Undertake any other responsibilities and duties as deemed necessary and beneficial for the Association to attain its Mission and Vision.


  • A Bachelor’s degree in Psychology with Honours from a SPS recognised University.
  • Willing to pursue a Master’s degree in relevant fields of Psychology (Clinical, Educational, Applied), within 2-3 years of working in CPAS as Associate Psychologist.
  • Relevant experience with children and adolescents preferred.
  • Expereince in learning, emotion and social development skills, child development and classroom management skills.
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work independently in a transdisciplinary team.
  • Eligible for full membership with Singapore Psychological Society or registration with the Singapore Register of Psychologists/ HCPC/ APHRA.
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