
Mechanical Design Engineer

salary Salary :

$3,000 - 7,000 monthly

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Job Description - Mechanical Design Engineer

Are you a Mechanical Engineer with expertise seeking to make a valuable contribution to the success of a product?

Super Tomato is a company that offers a comprehensive range of automation services, including design, fabrication, and assembly, for our corporate clients. Our expertise lies in automation and robotics.

We are currently looking for a motivated and competent Mechanical Engineer to design our upcoming product.

As a Mechanical Design Engineer at Super Tomato, you will play a crucial role in designing our next product. You will be responsible for every stage of the process, from ideation and prototyping to design validation, manufacturing, and reliability testing.

Your task will be to solve a given problem statement and conduct research to 3D print, test, and eventually bring it for fabrication and final assembly.

Your experience with mechanisms will be critical as it is required in significant part of our projects.

This product will have a significant impact on the public, as it will be deployed in high-traffic areas. You will be able to build a robust portfolio and showcase your skills.

If you are shortlisted, we will invite you to our office for a physical viewing of the product.


  • Hands-on assembly
  • Designing products from scratch
  • Sizing of components
  • Communicating effectively with the vendor
  • Conduct thorough testing of designs
  • Cost-down


Having prior experience in designing mechanisms is highly desirable for this position. In addition, if you possess experience working with systems that are involved in food handling, that would be a great advantage.

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