

salary Salary :

$3,100 - 5,200 monthly

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When the restaurant manager manages restaurant, it means they order, receive, store and track all of the restaurant's food and beverages, including its equipment and supplies. Therefore, one of this job's key responsibilities is to ensure that there's enough inventory to fulfil the menu requirements and to meet customer demand. To meet these demands, they perform tasks such as:

  • monitoring usage rates of the various dishes and managing waste to ensure the restaurant doesn't sustain unnecessary costs
  • storing food inventory at the right temperature and in clean, secure units
  • preventing shortages or overstocking by monitoring inventory levels and ordering the supplies on time
  • In this position, you have the crucial duty to ensure that the physical appearance of the establishment remains attractive, hygienic and comfortable for customers. This involves creating and enforcing a schedule that outlines the daily, weekly and monthly tasks required to keep the place clean. The cleaning usually happens before opening hours and in between busy service periods. Cleaning doesn't only apply to the inside of a restaurant, but also to the external areas, such as the landscaping areas and parking lot.
  • Able to work night shift
  • Must be able to work night shift and split shift
  • Must be able to work extra hours or weekend if needed
Original job RESTAURANT MANAGER posted on GrabJobs ©. To flag any issues with this job please use the Report Job button on GrabJobs.

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