
Phlebotomist / Clinic Assistant

salary Salary :

$2,800 - 3,800 monthly

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Job Description - Phlebotomist / Clinic Assistant

Job scope:

l Manage the reception area. Attend to clients and perform front-

desk duties eg. registration, appointments, billing, answering phone calls and clients’ inquiries, arranging booking for Radiology and Laboratory tests.

l Operate the Clinic Management System.

l Perform basic health screening assessments as required ie. height, weight, blood pressure, waist, hip measurement, body fat analysis, vision testing and Electrocardiogram (ECG) test.

l Handle blood/urine/stool samples and liaise for Laboratory/specimens collection and delivery.

l Assist in dispensing prescribed medication and supplies.

l Assist the Doctor in chaperoning client, if required.

l Handling cash and credit card payments, electronic fund transfers and the NETS terminal. Ensure accurate and complete documentation for cash floats, electronic fund transfers and credit transactions.

l Submission of CHAS, Medisave, TPA claims etc.

l Manage stock and inventory.

l Maintain the general cleanliness of the clinic.

l Greeting, verifying the identities of patients and ensuring that their paperwork is accurate

l Explaining the blood draw procedure clearly to them

l Calming and putting patients at ease if they're nervous

l Ensuring that the instruments are sanitary to avoid causing infections and other complications

l Conducting blood draws via venipuncture, finger pricks or heel pricks for infants

l Assisting patients who might feel unwell or suffer adverse reactions after the procedure

l Ensuring proper labelling, documentation and storage of blood


l Disposing of waste like used needles and bandages properly

l Cleaning and sterilising the work area

l Working seamlessly with a team of nurses, specialists and doctors to ensure that they get the blood samples on time

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