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.1 Accountable to Fleet Manager.
.2 As a Fleet Member, he shall assist FM in implementing Fleet Management System. He shall with his best endeavour to advise FM in relation to performance of the assigned vessels.
.3 Ensure that the vessels under his supervision have on board all the required valid statutory, class and other trading certificates.
.4 Ensure that the vessels under his supervision are manned according to Safe Manning Certificate and that all crew have valid documents required by STCW and flag state.
.5 In co-ordination with the Master and the Chief Engineer, to prepare a PLANNED MAINTENANCE PROGRAMME for submission to the GM at the beginning of the year for the LONG TERM STRATEGIC MAINTENANCE PLANNING.
.6 Monitor the maintenance routines of the vessels under his supervision and ensure that maintenance, inspections and testing are carried out as planned and are not left overdue.
.7 Carefully scrutinise all SPARES AND STORES REQUISITIONS from the vessel before approval for quotations and ordering.
.8 Ensure that the vessel submits technical and other reports in a timely manner.
.9 Review all technical reports submitted and take actions for any non-conformance or below par performance.
.10 Review the vessel's performance in terms of speed, fuel and lub oil consumption and take corrective actions in time.
.11 Study the fuel oil and lube oil analysis reports and advice the vessel of the action to be taken.
.12 To review the budget v/s actual performance of the ships under his care and take corrective measures by way of controlling expenditure, and if the situation demands, submit a proposal for the revision of the budget and approach the management with the appropriate data.
.13 To prepare and submit a quarterly report for customers on the vessels under his care and should cover at least the following:
a) Vessel’s Routing
b) Vessel's Condition
c) Survey and Certificates Status
d) Crew and Personnel Matters
e) Off-hires, if any
f) Accounts (Budget vs. Actual)
g) Class Status Report
h) Photos
.16 Preparation of dry-docking specifications, making a comparative chart of quotations received from various yards and obtaining the Management or Owner's approval.
.17 Visit the vessels at appropriate intervals as per approved ship visit plan and inspect them as per the procedures laid down.
.18 Carry out any additional work assigned by the FM.
.19 Apart from their technical responsibilities, a Technical Superintendent is required to ensure that he is familiar with all the commercial aspects and other commercial related details of his vessels, such as:
a. Relevant clauses of Charter Party such as speed and consumptions, cargo exclusion and others;
b. Contents of Charterer’s voyage instructions such as tendering NOR, clausing B/Ls and Mate’s Receipts, cargo holds cleanliness, Stevedore’s damage reporting and others;
c. Reporting requirements from Charterer or Sub-Charterer;
d. Arranging pre-loading surveys for certain cargoes;
e. Lodging sea protests;
f. Handling protests from shippers, receivers and Charterers;
g. Lodging insurance claims, collecting evidence and following up until closure;
h. Pre-arrival reports required by various port states such as eNOA/D, ballast watr exchange reporting and others;
.1 Move to Fleet Manager
.2 Review and Approve spares and stores for any given requisition as per OPM 9, purchasing and supplies procedures..
.3 Recommend the promotions or repatriations of crewmembers on his assigned-vessel.
.4 Sanction spares and stores for the vessels under his care.
.5 Approval of bills for spares, stores and repairs.
.6 Approval of the DRYDOCKING bills after due clearance from the MD
.7 Approval of orders for emergency stores and provisions for the vessels.
.8 Appraise shipboard senior staff & feedback to the Fleet Manager.
.9 Other roles and responsibilities delegated by Fleet Manager.
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