IT Adminstrator

salary Salary :

$2,500 - 3,000 monthly

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Job Description - IT Adminstrator

IT Administrator Job Responsibilities:

  1. Provide IT Support and Assistance: Serve as the first point of contact for co-workers, delivering efficient and proactive support for everyday IT requirements, ensuring smooth operational workflows.
  2. Hardware Maintenance and Troubleshooting: Offer comprehensive support for hardware, including printers, monitors, desktop PCs, laptops, and smartphones, ensuring seamless functionality and compatibility across various platforms.
  3. Software Subscription Management: Monitor the expiration of key software subscriptions, including Windows OS, antivirus programs, Microsoft Office, Adobe products, Google Gmail, Network (Starhub) and etc. Obtain competitive quotations from suppliers and coordinate timely renewals to avoid disruptions.
  4. Systems and Network Optimization: Conduct routine IT support activities to maximize system and network performance, ensuring continuous server accessibility to meet business operational needs.
  5. Troubleshooting and Incident Response: Perform thorough troubleshooting of workstations, servers, network devices, and hardware failures, minimizing downtime and ensuring swift resolution to maintain productivity.
  6. Data Backup and Recovery: Oversee and manage system backup processes, ensuring data integrity and the ability to restore critical systems effectively when required.
  7. User Account Management: Configure and maintain user accounts, permissions, and passwords, adhering to security best practices and facilitating seamless access control.
  8. Audio-Visual System Support: Set up and maintain audio-visual systems for meetings and presentations. Troubleshoot and resolve issues to ensure professional and uninterrupted events.
  9. IT Solution Implementation: Configure and install IT solutions, such as Print Queue Management Software, at the School Center. Collaborate with on-site IT personnel to resolve network or configuration issues and ensure optimal performance.
  10. Administrative Support: Assist in administrative tasks as needed, contributing to the efficient operation of the IT department and organizational goals.
  11. Ad-Hoc Responsibilities: Undertake additional duties assigned by the Manager, demonstrating flexibility and commitment to organizational success.

Interested parties are invited to submit their applications to: [email protected]

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