Marketing Manager

salary Salary :

$3,500 - 5,000 monthly

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Job Description - Marketing Manager


The Marketing Manager is responsible for managing activities to create, communicate, deliver, and exchange offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and other stakeholders that the company considers as important to achieve business goals. He/She utilises marketing as well as market research and analysis to drive the formulation of marketing strategy and planning.

He/She plans and oversees a broad range of initiatives including product and business service launches, advertising, email efforts, events, and social media communications. The Marketing Manager oversees the production of all promotional materials and marketing campaigns.


  • Formulates and proposes to the higher-level echelon marketing and communication strategies, both offline and online, in line with the company’s overall corporate strategy
  • Delivers content consistent with approved marketing strategies at a fashion that is accurate, professional, and timely
  • Conducts an analysis of the effectiveness of marketing campaigns
  • Interviews, hires, and trains marketing staff members
  • Establishes marketing goals based on past performance and market forecasts
  • Oversees current offerings and comes up with initiatives for new products or services
  • Researches and analyses market trends, demographics, pricing schedules, competitor products, and other relevant information to form marketing strategies
  • Works with the marketing staff to develop detailed marketing plans for all media channels and sales teams
  • Oversees the creative development of promotional materials, website content, advertisements, and other marketing-related projects
  • Communicates with various media buyers, advertising agencies, printers, and other services to help marketing projects come to fruition
  • Provides in-depth information to interested clients, and acts as a representative for the marketing department in important buyer meetings
  • Works within the department budget to develop cost-effective marketing plans for each product or service
  • Tracks all marketing and sales data and creates detailed written reports and verbal presentations to bring to senior executives
  • Adjusts marketing campaigns and strategies as needed in response to collected data and other feedback
  • Builds relationships with external content providers such as publishers to pursue publicity and promotional activities
  • Plays an active role in improving the development of customer database
  • Assesses marketing-related material quotations and invoices and recommends to higher management the optimum pricing and quality
  • Establishes and maintains the ideal working relationships with partner organisations, affiliates, government agencies, the press, reporters, media channels, and other public relations (PR) audiences
  • Assists the General Manager and the higher-echelon managers with projects and/or other assignments as directed


  • Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Business, or related field
  • Expert on media channels, client relationships
  • Excellent creativity, adaptability, research, analysis, writing, public speaking, interpersonal communication
  • Excellent leadership, people management, and detail-orientated
  • Well-versed in marketing budgeting and organisation
  • Copywriting skills
  • Computer-literate - Microsoft Office, Mac, and Windows OS
  • Multi-tasking skills
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