Sales Representative

salary Salary :

$3,000 - 4,000 monthly

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Job Description - Sales Representative

Job Description

1. Expanding the network of sales agents and maintaining the connections, note that you will receive the commission fee the more you successfully expanded

2. Organising various health-themed events and hosting the clients during on-site activities;

3. Guiding potential clients in experiencing health adjustment equipment (promoting the purchase of experience products or services);

4. Encouraging clients to join the membership program and inviting them to join the corporate social media group;

5. Explaining health services and related product knowledge to clients;

6. Overseeing daily operations, leading merchandising activities, and ensuring sales targets are met

7. Providing reports to management, such as sales reports, lead generation reports, and customer complaints reports

Job Requirement


1. Please note that the candidates are required to have relevant experience for at least 2 yearsand a proven track record to demonstrate capability;

2. Strong interpersonal, communication skills, and the ability to consider clients' feelings while achieving effective conversions;

3. Strong growth potential, willingness to accept new challenges and problem-solving skills;

4. Diligent, proactive, and driven to succeed;

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