Thakral One is looking for a AS 400 Developer with RPG Experience
The Role
Provides end-user support by supplying product, process and technical solutions to resolve and/or enhance user application functions
Plans and executes software integration and regression testing on application patches, upgrades and enhancements
Hands-on coding using AS400, RPGLE, SQLRPGLE, RPG,SQLRPG, CLP, CLLE, Query/400, DB2/400 and ALDON
Expert in at least one technology and design technique as well as experience working across large environments with multiple operating systems/infrastructure for large-scale programs (e.g., Expert Engineers) starting to be firm-wide resources
Multi-skilled with expertise across software development lifecycle and toolset
Expertise in Agile frameworks
Expertise in Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery Test
Driven Development, Cloud Development, resiliency, security
Stays abreast of cutting edge technologies/trends and uses experience to influence application of those technologies/trends to support the business
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