Design Associate

salary Salary :

$4,500 - 6,500 monthly

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Job Description - Design Associate

Key Responsibilities:

· Provide design guidance, creative direction, and innovative proposal to meet client requirements.

· Present and effectively communicate design intent during client pitches and project discussions.

· Efficiently handle multiple projects concurrently, overseeing them from start to finish, including sales, design, and execution phases.

· Ensure that all relevant submissions to the authorities are accurate and timely and comply with industry standards

· Coordinate with different stakeholders

· Ensure that projects are completed on time and meet client expectations.


1. A recognized Degree/Diploma in Interior Design or an equivalent qualification.

2. Proficiency in a range of design-related software, including Hand Sketch, Sketchup, AutoCAD, and similar tools.

3. A minimum of 5 years of relevant experience in commercial design, showcasing strong technical knowledge in areas such as shop drawings, site surveys, and detail drawings.

4. Proven experience in managing projects from start to finish, encompassing sales, design, and execution.

5. Exceptional flair for creative design and a meticulous eye for design details.

6. Highly proactive with outstanding coordination and execution skills.

7. A collaborative team player with excellent communication abilities.

8. Demonstrated ability to meet and exceed expectations while adhering to tight deadlines.

9. Willing to travel overseas

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