
Marine Investigator

salary Salary :

$10,000 - 12,000 monthly

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Job Description - Marine Investigator

The Investigations Service Area is seeking a Marine Investigator based in Singapore, whose primary responsibility is to conduct marine safety investigations involving Marshall Islands-registered vessels within the region. The objective of an Investigation is to develop clear, concise conclusions and recommendations, and identify lessons learned to prevent the occurrence of marine casualties and marine incidents.

Essential Functions:

· Attend on-scene marine casualties and marine incidents as deemed necessary;

· To lead an incident investigation and manage respective stakeholders involved;

· To provide direction and guidance to on-scene investigators;

· To conduct interviews with witnesses and persons involved in a marine casualty;

· To analyze data, including collaborate with subject matter experts as required;

· To perform root cause analysis and develop recommendations and identify lessons learned;

· Draft and promptly complete investigation reports that are high-quality and in conformance with the IMO Casualty Code, national maritime legislation, and Administrator’s standards;

· To maintain currency with international instruments;

· Represent the Maritime Administrator and speak credibly on marine safety and marine investigations;

· Identify areas for improvement within the maritime industry related to the safety of seafarers, vessels, and the marine environment;

· Track and report on the progress and status of assigned investigations, ensure the timely completion of all assigned investigations; and

· Present findings to a broad array of stakeholders (e.g., owners, operators, senior management, industry leaders, and internal teams).

Preferred Experience:

· Demonstratable experience in marine safety, marine investigation, human factors, and root cause analysis;

· Proven technical writer of marine legislation and marine guidance documentation;

· Working knowledge of the IMO Casualty Investigation Code (MSC.255(84));

· Maritime academy graduate, having held a senior Deck or Engineering license;

· Ability to lead teams with varied levels of experience and knowledge;

· Must demonstrate seasoned judgment, initiative, and critical thinking abilities;

· Strong analytical and problem-solving skills;

· High degree of self-motivation, tenacity, drive, and ability to work independently is paramount;

· Maritime inspection, audit, and or survey experience beneficial but not imperative; and

· Experience presenting findings to a wide audience.


· Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent relevant maritime experience;

· At least 10 years’ experience of shipboard operations;

· Marine Casualty Investigator further education preferred;

· Fluent English oral and written communication skills; and

· Extensive knowledge and understanding of international instruments (e.g., SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW, MLC, ISM Code, and COLREGS).

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About the Company


International Registries, Inc. (IRI) and its affiliates are the Maritime and Corporate Administrators of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) and have been administering maritime and corporate programs for over 60 years. IRI takes great pride in its high level of customer service, economical p...

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