Territory Manager

salary Salary :

$4,000 - 6,000 monthly

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Job Description - Territory Manager

Position Title: Territory Manager

Primary Position Responsibilities

The Territory Manager position is highly focused on customer account management and ongoing service, support and sales development with respective accounts in a defined geography and sector(s) for Diversey.

This position primarily focuses on service and selling (additional products, tools and services) to existing accounts with an additional emphasis on new account acquisition (respectively 75% management and service/25% new acquisition).

This position will provide service by troubleshooting and offering technical guidance by identifying corrective actions, solving product or application problems, implementing appropriate product applications, and solving other issues impacting customer accounts. This is a direct, customer-facing sales role with responsibility to retain existing revenues and close new revenue opportunities with both existing and new customers

Responsibilities and Duties:

  • Effectively provide account management and ongoing service, support, and sales development to respective accounts in a defined geography and sector(s). Implement white spot prospecting to include existing products, new products and innovations, enhanced sustainability and operational efficiencies (water, energy, chemical usage), and where appropriate food safety solutions
  • Technical knowledge of laundry, kitchen, housekeeping application troubleshooting. Expertise of handling sales and client management for cleaning chemicals, machinery, tool and equipment’s industry.
  • Monitor and report for both respective accounts and aligned Key Accounts by utilizing corresponding tools, such as Sales Funnels, quarterly reporting, market share analysis, and other reports requested by central stakeholders and supervisors.
  • Work intensely and directly on hygiene chemical application expertise and execution delivery, including customer training and merchandising, to reinforce value proposition and brand equity. Hold monthly and quarterly review session with customers’ heads of department and location general managers.
  • Grow sales in geographic area and sector(s) by identifying, analyzing, and addressing opportunities for new customer acquisition as well as within existing customers through product and application recommendations.
  • Continuously focus on sales growth execution and sales target achievement. Liaise with TCS to ensure appropriate service support for respective accounts
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