
Full Stack Software Engineer 1-Year Contract

salary Salary :

$6,000 - 8,000 monthly

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Job Description - Full Stack Software Engineer 1-Year Contract

  1. Have Degree or Diploma in computing, design or a relevant field of study
  2. Min. 4 years’ experience in software engineering or related role
  3. Experience in frontend technologies (HTML, CSS and JS/TS) as well as any web framework (React, Angular, Vue, Nextjs and etc)
  4. Experience in backend with REST APIs or any other backend frameworks
  5. Experience with the cloud (e.g. AWS, GCP, Azure)
  6. Experience with Infrastructure as Code tooling would be an advantage
  7. Familiarity with Git version control and testing
  8. Understanding of DevOps, Git and CI/CD would be an advantage
  9. Interest in web app development and UI/UX design
  10. Experience in data privacy or data security is a bonus
  11. Curiosity, willingness to learn, and inclination to work in a collaborative environment


  1. Gain experience working with a multi-disciplinary team (ranging across product management, software engineering, data engineering, privacy engineering, and data science).
  2. Gain experience in full stack web application development involving frontend, backend and/or cloud infrastructure.
  3. Gin experience in UX design to deliver an intuitive and user-friendly product.
  4. Have ownership over system design and implementation, with a focus on sound technical choices and maintainability.
  5. Develop proficiency in improving code quality, maintainability and reliability, through hands-on experience in refactoring code and enhancing testing methodologies, including implementation of unit tests and test cases.
  6. Execute projects in a fast-moving team with an Agile mindset
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