International Guidelines Publication Medical Editor

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Descripción del trabajo - International Guidelines Publication Medical Editor

Location: Any MSF office*

Contract: Fixed term contract at 100% (32h/w for a longer period possible)

Duration: 9 months

Starting date: March or April 2025

Deadline to apply: 12.01.2025

Compensation and benefits: MSF practice is to offer the C&B package current in the MSF entity establishing the contract.

*By default, the successful candidate will be offered a contract in the MSF office of their country of residence at the time of application.


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, healthcare exclusion and natural disasters. MSF offers assistance to people based only on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation.

MSF International is the legal entity that binds MSF’s 24 sections, 25 associations and other offices together. Registered in Switzerland, MSF International provides coordination, information and support to the MSF Movement, as well as implements international projects and initiatives as requested.

Within MSF International, the International Office (IO) is the Secretariat of MSF International Board and is under the direct management of the Secretary General (SG). The International Medical Secretary (IMS) reports to the SG and heads the International Medical Secretariat. The International Medical Quality Products and Publications (IMQPP) unit is part of the International Medical Secretariat providing both expertise and coordination functions to the MSF Movement in relation to quality and sourcing of all medical and health products, pharmaceutical management, and International Guideline Publications.


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) produces medical operational guidelines for non-specialised staff in the field. The objective of the guidelines is to disseminate adapted medical knowledge to help in analysing and understanding the situation and implementing a quality response rapidly. Based on its experience gathered in its projects, and in the absence of relevant documents from other agencies, MSF has been producing practical medical guidelines for more than 25 years. The International Guideline Publication (IGP) has been established to ensure the quality production of MSF guidelines.

There are currently about 30 international guidelines, some of them are produced in several languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic). Part of the library is available for medical professionals outside MSF as well. See medicalguidelines.msf.org.


The medical editor (hereafter: editor) is part of the International Guidelines Publication (IGP) team of MSF International. The Editor is under the direct supervision of and reports to the IGP Manager. Collaboration with the IGP team members and the IGP stakeholders is essential.


  1. Editorial oversight and quality assurance: ensure MSF's international guidelines are high-quality, scientifically sound, and consistent with existing guidelines. Confirm they comply with MSF International guideline standards and respond to the specific needs of health care professionals working in resources limited settings.

  2. Quality improvement: participate in transversal IGP projects to enhance quality aspects of the guidelines and apply quality standards set when editing the guidelines.

  3. Stakeholder collaboration and engagement: collaborate effectively with IGP team members, internal and external experts throughout the content production process.

  4. Validation and approval: verify all validation process steps to secure approvals from relevant experts and MSF’s Medical Directors.

  5. Development process oversight: oversee the entire development process, from concept note development and project set up, to content review to final publication.


  1. Preparation and planning

  • Participate in the selection of authors, upon request;

  • Provide input to the concept note, requesting for a guideline to be developed or updated;

  • Work with the author(s) on the division of tasks, responsibilities and functional links between the author(s), editor and other key contributors;

  • Produce ToR for an Editorial Committee if applicable or provide input on an arbitration process;

  • Brief the author(s) on the responsibilities & tasks document, the Guide to producing guidelines, reference policy and the arbitration process;

  • Share the Authorship policy with author(s) and key collaborators;

  • Provide input on and validate the structure of the guideline, based on the concept note approved by the Medical Directors;

  • Provide input on and validate draft table of content, and timeline documents, based on the concept note approved by the Medical Directors;

  • Ensure timely involvement and input from MSF and external experts in the planning documents, when needed.

2. Content Editing

2.1 Phase 1: Content Editing Per Chapter (or Revised/Updated Section)

  • Feedback provision: offer feedback on draft texts during the writing process upon request by the author(s);

  • Draft review: once a chapter/section is drafted by the author(s):

• ensure the text is complete, concise, coherent, and aligns with the Guide for Producing Guidelines;

• verify that the text is supported by evidence, adhering to the reference policy, and review the quality and accuracy of references and information coherence;

• suggest and discuss any necessary clarifications, modifications, or reorganization with the author(s) to enhance readability and understanding;

• verify content consistency, especially regarding drug dosages, protocols, or calculations, with other MSF international guidelines/medical catalogues, and report inconsistencies to the author(s);

• ensure all assigned experts have provided their input;

• provide input for arbitration if requested.

2.2 Phase 2: Content editing of the guideline as a whole

  • Ensure the guide is coherent, complete, and consistent in style and discuss inconsistencies, missing information or clarifications with the author(s) to make the text clearer and easier to read;

  • Review and discuss with the author(s) any modifications to support the accuracy of information and reading experience, including:

• Reference and bibliography insertion and formatting.

• Quality and accuracy of references as provided by the author(s).

• Footnotes, glossary, and abbreviations.

• Relevance and copyright permissions for all externally sourced illustrations, images, and photos.

• Correct listing of contributors in the acknowledgment page as per the IGP Authorship policy.

• Confirmation that all assigned MSF and external experts have provided input.

  • Send the final version to the translator coordinator for language editing and discuss/incorporate language editing suggestions with the author(s).

2.3 Phase 3: Validation and Publication

2.3.1 For structural revisions/new guidelines:

  • Participate in the presentation of the guideline to the Medical Directors.

  • Submit the final version to the International Medical Coordinator for validation by two Medical Directors.

  • Support the author(s) in incorporating feedback from the Medical Directors.

  • After feedback incorporation, provide a summary of changes to the Medical Directors.

  • Conduct all content editing tasks as mentioned in Phase 2 on the updated version.

2.3.2 For all guidelines:

  • Submit the guideline (revised chapters/drug sheets) to the layout officer to prepare for publication in print and digital formats.

  • Review the final layout of both print and web versions to ensure readability and detect any layout errors.

3. Translations

  • Review and verify the final text before sending it to the Translator Coordinator. Once confirmed, deliver the approved text.

  • Respond to questions from the Translation coordinator or translators or language editors directly or if needed send to author(s);

  • Check the translated version in native language on content and terminologies and report errors if any;

  • Validation of the translated versions in native language and sending it to the Layout officer for publication in print and digital version.

4. IGP transversal projects

  • Proactive participation in biweekly meetings and provide regular information on the progress of activities;

  • Contribute to the annual IGP plan of action and multi-year plans;

  • Participate in the budget forecast, midterm reviews and reporting;

  • Participate in the transversal projects of the International Guidelines;


  • Medical diploma as doctor, nurse or similar profile

Work experience

  • Minimal 5 years’ experience in medical content editing

  • Medical operational experience with MSF or other international organisations working in similar contexts

  • Experience in guidelines production would be an asset

  • Experience in and knowledge of IT/software development

Specific skills

  • Strong commitment to MSF values

  • Quality driven

  • Eye for detail

  • Problem solving

  • Excellent technical writing skills

  • Native or near-native English speaking and writing, French and/or Arabic is an asset

  • Strong interpersonal, communication and organisational skills

  • Ability to work collaboratively with different stakeholders (remotely)

  • Ability to work and report independently

  • IT literacy

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

At MSF, we are committed to an inclusive culture that encourages and supports the diverse voices of our employees. We welcome applications from individuals of all genders, ages, sexual orientations, nationalities, races, religions, beliefs, ability status, and all other diversity characteristics.

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