Descripción del trabajo - Associate Engineer ,SAP Human Experience Management
Company Description
👋🏼 We're Nagarro.
We are a digital product engineering company that is scaling in a big way! We build products, services, and experiences that inspire, excite, and delight. We work at scale — across all devices and digital mediums, and our people exist everywhere in the world (18,000+ experts across 33 countries, to be exact). Our work culture is dynamic and non-hierarchical. We're looking for great new colleagues. That's where you come in!
Job Description
You have begun to prove your worth in our industry! How has the experience been so far? We hope it has been rewarding. At Nagarro, we want to take the word “hope” out of that sentence. At Nagarro, if you are ready to take the next step, we are ready to take you to the next level. Want to work with the coolest tech, the brightest minds, and be able to solve the most challenging problems, then look no further.
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