Descripción del trabajo - Sales Development Representative (several native languages)
We have a new job opportunity as Sales Development Representative in Barcelona! This person will have the opportunity to combine their passion for sales and marketing by representing major IT corporations. Carry out B2B business development, understand how to build relationships, generate leads, and achieve excellent commercial skills. You are the person we are looking for if:- You have a native level of German,Dutch,Danish,Swedish,Norwegian,Arabic,Portugues or Spanish- You have an advanced level of English- You have previous experience within Technology or IT (is not required but you must be eager to learn)- If you have experience in telemarketing or as a sales account manager is an advantage but not a must- You have good interpersonal and communication skills.- You are motivated and Dynamic- You have professionalism and a positive attitudeSoft Skills- You have a fun personality and readiness to work hard but play hard is also required. - You count with high interest in business- You have good sense of humor
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