Descripción del trabajo - SR RTL DESIGN ENGINEER (VPU)
We are looking for an RTL designer to do high-speed digital design for a RISC-V based processor. This is an opportunity to do world-class VLSI work on advanced process technologies.
Designer will take blocks through the entire front end design process including:
Creating specification based on architectural/system requirements
Defining and documenting micro-architectural solution
Implementing the RTL Verilog code
Collaborating with verification to develop an appropriate testplan to verify the implementation, debug any issues, and ensure testing coverage is complete
Collaborating with physical design to resolve timing, area, power, and routing issues in the implementation
Supporting post-silicon bring up in resolving any issues that arise in the designer’s block
Designer will participate in internal reviews to ensure adherence to the company’s design processes and guidelines and to improve those processes and guidelines
In order to deliver top quality chips, we must work cross-functionally. The candidate will work closely with all parts of engineering: Architecture, Verification, Physical Design, Post-Silicon Bring Up, and Program Management
We are a results-driven team. The candidate must accurately predict schedules and track their own progress and identify appropriate cross-functional requirements
MS in Electrical Engineering or equivalent
10+ years VLSI design experience
Experience with RISC-V based systems or similar
Knowledge of Floating Point IEEE 754 (data types FP64, FP32, FP16, FP8, BF8, HP8)
Experience with implementation of Multipliers, Dividers and basic arithmetics (integer & fp)
Experience with vector processing and Data pipelining
Strong knowledge of the main core processors sub-systems and concepts, pipelines, data and instruction caches, scoreboards, etc.
Experience with Verilog, front-end design, simulation, synthesis, timing, power analysis and verification CAD tools
Knowledge of Floating (FP) point processing
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Additional Desired Qualifications
Experience with Vector Processing Unit (VPU) is an absolute plus
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