Develop outsourcing strategies for materials and services for Wireless and Fix Broad Band Projects
Conduct biddings and negotiations with potential suppliers
Prepare/manage supply contracts
Manage supplier performance and conduct category based portfolio management
Manage Purchase order to Payment Process of the suppliers
Periodically Manage and Communicate with the owners of the suppliers to fix existing problems and to ensure long term relationship.
Build strong communication with Internal Stake Holders, understand the demands in advance, express potential solutions and timely escalate the problems
Identify and qualify new potential suppliers
Timely be aware of market changes, communicate internally and make necessary adjustments on time.
Having Experience in Purchasing Processes and Supplier Relationship Management
Preferably having Bsc. in Electrical/ Electronics/ Industrial or Computer Engineering. MBA degree is a plus.
Having strong analytical skills and able to develop/apply/report quantitative methods.
Having strong negotiation and communication skills.
Good command in English.
Having ability to adapt multinational environment. Having empathy to understand cultural differences while making business.
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