Assistant Chef

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Job Description - Assistant Chef

Roles and responsibilities

  • Ensures kitchen equipmentis prepared for use.
  • Communication is politeand displays courtesy to guests and internal customers. Familiaritywith property safety, first aid, and fire and emergency proceduresis displayed and equipment is operated safely andsensibly.
  • Awareness of OH&S policiesand procedures is demonstrated, and it is ensured that allprocedures are conducted safely and within OH&Sguidelines.
  • HACCP is implemented andpracticed.
  • Pick up goods ordered from the storeor other kitchens
  • Acceptance and storage offood deliveries
  • Ensure any stock is rotatedregularly
  • To assist the junior chefs to carryout daily and weekly procedures including temperature checks, foodlabeling/dating and storage, and ensuring records of such are up todate
  • Minimizewastage/spoilage
  • Ensure the cleanliness andmaintenance of all work areas, utensils, andequipment
  • Actively participates in hygiene andHACCP programs
  • Any other duties, which may beassigned to you from time to time, as directed by your supervisoror manager
  • Additional responsibilities andtasks can be added at any time according to the needs of thebusiness and of the hotel
  • Inspire guests withan attitude of personal attention to theirrequests
  • A commitment to a sense of urgency,immediacy, and total responsiveness
  • Intuitivelyanticipate guests' needs and address them in a refreshinglyunique manner
  • Proactively find opportunitiesfor innovative service delivery
  • Demonstratecommitment to uncompromising standards ofexcellence
  • Approach each guest in a confidentand welcoming manner
  • Work as a team with allother departments in their effort to delight theguests
  • Demonstrate a willingness to go theextra mile to exceed guests'expectations
  • Always show respect forguests’ security and privacy
  • Takepersonal responsibility for meeting guests'needs
  • Communicate effectively to always ensureservice excellence

Skills &Qualifications

  • Culinary experience within a luxuryhotel is required, resort experience will bepreferred
  • Postgraduate and/or Hotel ManagementSchool, Apprenticeship with the diploma is anadvantage
  • Must have basic knowledge of kitchenoperation, full knowledge of sanitation requirements in handlingfood

Desiredcandidate profile


  • CookingTechniques: Mastery of various cooking methods,including grilling, sautéing, baking, roasting,braising, steaming, and more. A deep understanding of flavorprofiles and how to combine ingredients to create balanced,delicious dishes.
  • KnifeSkills: Precision in using knives for chopping,slicing, dicing, and filleting to ensure consistency and safety inthe kitchen.
  • SauceMaking: Proficiency in creating sauces, from basicstocks and broths to complex reductions, emulsions, and dressingsthat complement dishes.
  • Bakingand Pastry: Knowledge of baking techniques, frompreparing dough and batter to making pastries, bread, cakes, anddesserts.
  • Plating andPresentation: An eye for detail when plating food,ensuring it is visually appealing and professionally presented. Awell-plated dish enhances the overall diningexperience.
  • FoodPairing: Expertise in pairing ingredients, spices,and herbs to create harmonious dishes that appeal to differenttastes.

2. Creativity&Innovation

  • MenuDevelopment: Designing innovative and seasonalmenus, incorporating trends or unique ideas while ensuringconsistency and quality.
  • RecipeCreation: Ability to create, test, and refine newrecipes, adjusting for flavor balance, texture, and portionsize.
  • Adapting toTrends: Keeping up-to-date with the latest culinarytrends and integrating new techniques, superfoods, or sustainableingredients into themenu.
  • Special DietaryNeeds: Developing options for special diets such asgluten-free, vegan, keto, low-carb, or allergen-free, ensuringthose guests can enjoy the experience withoutcompromise.

3.Leadership & ManagementSkills

  • TeamLeadership: Leading kitchen staff, including souschefs, line cooks, prep cooks, dishwashers, and others, whilefostering a cooperative and efficient workenvironment.
  • Delegation:Ability to delegate tasks to appropriate team members, ensuringthat kitchen operations run smoothly and food is prepared ontime.
  • ConflictResolution: Managing interpersonal issues amongkitchen staff, maintaining a calm demeanor, and resolving problemsquickly to keep morale high and ensureproductivity.
  • Training &Development: Mentoring junior chefs and kitchenstaff, teaching them techniques, recipes, and standards to ensurethe team’s continued growth andconsistency.
  • KitchenOrganization: Overseeing the flow of work, ensuringthat each section of the kitchen operates efficiently (prep,grilling, baking, etc.), and maintaining a clean and organizedworkspace.

4. TimeManagement &Efficiency

  • PrioritizingTasks: The ability to prioritize tasks underpressure, from preparing ingredients to cooking and plating dishes,ensuring that everything is done in a timely and orderlymanner.
  • Managing KitchenWorkflow: Efficiently managing kitchen operationsduring peak hours, ensuring that food orders are executed smoothlyand withoutdelays.
  • Multitasking:Juggling multiple tasks at once, such as preparing different dishessimultaneously, keeping track of orders, managing staff, andoverseeing quality control.

5.Attention toDetail

  • Consistency:Ensuring that dishes are consistently prepared and presented to thesame high standard everytime.
  • QualityControl: Constantly tasting, testing, and inspectingingredients and finished dishes for flavor, texture, and quality,ensuring they meet restaurantstandards.
  • Precision:Using precise measurements and techniques to ensure the perfectoutcome for each dish, particularly for complex recipes or delicatecooking methods.

6.Health & SafetyAwareness

  • FoodSafety Standards: Following strict food safetyguidelines, such as proper storage, handling, and preparation offood to prevent contamination and ensure foodsafety.
  • HygienePractices: Keeping a clean kitchen, includingsanitizing surfaces, utensils, and equipment regularly to complywith health regulations and maintain a hygienic workenvironment.
  • AllergenAwareness: Being aware of common food allergens(e.g., nuts, dairy, shellfish) and taking precautions to avoidcross-contamination, especially in kitchens with customers who havespecific dietary restrictions.


  • ClearCommunication: Communicating effectively withkitchen staff, front-of-house teams, and management to ensure thatthe kitchen runs smoothly and orders are prepared accurately andefficiently.
  • GuestInteraction: In some settings, chefs may interactwith guests directly, whether in a fine dining restaurant or atspecial events, offering personalized recommendations or respondingto special requests.
  • WritingRecipes & Instructions: Writing clear anddetailed recipes and instructions for team members to follow,ensuring consistency in foodpreparation.
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