Front Office Agent

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Job Description - Front Office Agent

Roles and responsibilities

  • Minimum 1 year experienceas a Butler/Villa Host, Madetory in a luxurysegment.
  • Previous experience of receptiontasks, e.g. check-in/check-out is anadvantage
  • Friendly and outgoingbehavior
  • Proactive, resourceful and able towork independently
  • Has strong decision-makingabilities and upselling skills
  • Excellentwritten and spoken skills inEnglish
  • Multi-language is anadvantage
  • With Butler certification would be anadvantage
  • 1. FrontOffice Manager

    TheFront Office Manager is responsiblefor overseeing the daily operations of the front office department.This role involves managing the front desk team, ensuring thatcheck-ins and check-outs are smooth, handling guest complaints,managing guest services, and coordinating with other departments tomeet guest needs.

    2. Front DeskAgent / Receptionist

    AFront Desk Agent orReceptionist is the primary point ofcontact for guests. They handle check-ins and check-outs, answerquestions, make reservations, and assist guests with their needs.Receptionists play a key role in setting the tone for theguest’s experience.


    TheConcierge helps guests withspecialized services, such as booking reservations, arrangingtransportation, suggesting local attractions, or fulfilling specialrequests. This role requires excellent knowledge of local areas andthe ability to provide personalized guestservices.

    4. NightAuditor

    A NightAuditor works overnight shifts, handling check-insand check-outs, balancing the hotel’s financial recordsfor the day, and ensuring that everything is in order for the nextday’s operations. They combine accounting tasks withguest services during nighttimehours.

    5. ReservationAgent

    A ReservationAgent is responsible for processing and managingroom bookings, ensuring that the hotel’s reservationsystem is updated and that rooms are allocated correctly. They mayalso handle inquiries about room availability, rates, andpolicies.

    Essential Skills andAttributes for Front OfficeRoles

    1. CustomerService

  • GuestInteraction: Excellent interpersonal skills forgreeting and assisting guests. A friendly, approachable demeanor iscrucial for creating a welcomingatmosphere.
  • Problem-Solving:Ability to address guest complaints and issues in a professionaland timely manner, ensuring guestsatisfaction.
  • Multitasking:Ability to handle multiple tasks at once, such as answering phones,managing reservations, and checking in guests, without compromisingservice quality.
  • 2.CommunicationSkills

  • VerbalCommunication: Clear and effective communicationwhen dealing with guests and team members, including the ability toexplain hotel policies andprocedures.
  • WrittenCommunication: Proficiency in writing emails, takingnotes, and preparing reports or guest correspondence accurately andprofessionally.
  • LanguageProficiency: In multi-lingual environments, theability to speak multiple languages can be highlybeneficial.
  • 3.OrganizationalSkills

  • TaskManagement: Keeping track of reservations, guestrequests, and room availability while ensuring everything runssmoothly.
  • Attention toDetail: Ensuring that guest information is recordedaccurately, that room bookings are correctly processed, and thatrequests are fulfilled withouterrors.
  • TimeManagement: Managing time effectively, especially inbusy periods when multiple guests are checking in or checking outat the same time.
  • 4.TechnologyProficiency

  • ReservationSoftware: Familiarity with Property ManagementSystems (PMS) and other hotel reservation platforms, as well as theability to navigate computer systemsefficiently.
  • Point of SaleSystems: Knowledge of payment processing andhandling billing for guests at the frontdesk.
  • MicrosoftOffice: Competence in using office software (e.g.,Excel, Word) for preparing reports or managingschedules.
  • 5. FinancialAcumen

  • Billingand Payments: Understanding of billing processes,invoicing, and payment processing, ensuring accurate charges andreceipts for guests.
  • CashHandling: Safely and accurately managing cash,credit card transactions, and preparing end-of-day financialreports.
  • 6. FlexibilityandAdaptability

  • ShiftFlexibility: The ability to work flexible hours,including nights, weekends, and holidays, as many front officeroles require coverage24/7.
  • Adaptability:Responding to unexpected situations, such as overbookings,emergencies, or last-minute changes, while maintaining a positiveguest experience.

Desired candidate profile

1. Guest Services andInteraction

  • Check-inand Check-out: Front desk agents are responsible forefficiently checking guests in and out, ensuring a smooth andseamless experience.
  • GuestAssistance: Providing information about thehotel’s amenities, services, and local attractions.Answering questions and resolving guestissues.
  • HandlingReservations: Managing reservations made throughphone calls, emails, or online booking platforms. Ensuring accurateroom availability and updates in the reservationsystem.

2.Communication andCoordination

  • Collaborationwith Other Departments: The Front Office team worksclosely with housekeeping, maintenance, and other departments toaddress guest needs, fulfill requests, and ensure that everythingis in working order.
  • HandlingSpecial Requests: Coordinating with relevantdepartments to fulfill guest requests, such as arranging for extrabedding, booking transport, or providing specificamenities.

3. FinancialManagement

  • Billingand Payments: Ensuring that all charges arecorrectly applied to guest accounts and handling payments duringcheck-out. Resolving any discrepancies inbilling.
  • Cash and CreditHandling: Accurately processing payments andhandling cash, credit cards, and other forms of payment, whilemaintaining security and privacystandards.


  • RecordKeeping: Maintaining records of reservations, guestcheck-ins/check-outs, and special requests. Ensuring that guestinformation is stored securely and complies with privacyregulations.
  • Reporting:Preparing daily reports on reservations, occupancy rates, andfinancial transactions, and submitting them to the managementteam.

5. Safety andSecurity

  • MonitoringGuest Access: Ensuring that only authorizedindividuals are allowed access to guest rooms and the hotelproperty, including managing security protocols for sensitiveareas.
  • EmergencyProcedures: Knowing the procedures for emergenciessuch as fire alarms, medical situations, or security issues, andtaking the appropriate action to ensure guestsafety.


  • Customer-Focused:The Front Office is the face of the hotel, with staff interactingdirectly with guests throughout theday.
  • DynamicEnvironment: Front Office professionals often dealwith high-pressure situations, especially during busy check-in orcheck-out periods, requiring them to stay calm andfocused.
  • CollaborativeTeam: The Front Office team works closely with otherdepartments to ensure the guest’s stay is comfortable andthat any issues are addressedpromptly.

Career GrowthOpportunities in the FrontOffice

  • FrontOffice Manager → Overseeing the entirefront office operations, including supervising the front desk teamand handling guestrelations.
  • Guest ServicesManager → Managing the entire guestservices department, including concierge services, and overseeingguest satisfactionprograms.
  • RevenueManager → Focusing on pricing strategies,maximizing room occupancy, and ensuring the hotel’sprofitability.
  • Hotel OperationsManager → Taking on broaderresponsibilities, overseeing the hotel’s operations,including front office, housekeeping, and food & beveragedepartments.
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