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Conducts patient satisfactionsurveys.
Monitor patients and visitors andensure their satisfaction.
Assist patients infilling out any required paperwork, including insurancedocuments.
Contact potential, existing or newEmirati customers through phone to inform about the product,service, Offer etc. available at theclinic.
Monitor the activities leading up to,during, and following a camp.
Work with thecenter manager to identify possible communities, organizations, andother venues for the development ofbusiness.
Arrange a medical camp inconjunction with a municipal authority, the government,communities, organizations etc.
Create andimplement a variety of marketing plans for our business to help usdraw in new customers and the existing.
Workwith the marketing team to advertise the facilities and servicesoffered by our clinic through various marketingplatforms.
Responsible for translatingcommunication between patients/ visitors and staff for easycomprehension.
Read and comprehend Arabicmaterials, and when necessary,translate.
Ensure liaison with local andfederal authorities to ensure the support when administration teamis needed.
Ensure excellent patient care andassistance to satisfy patients.
Assure thatpatient consultation waiting periods are kept to aminimal.
Ensure that records and papers areappropriately stored and maintained.
Verifythe insurance claim form. (Make the claims ready before sending toscanning department for submission)
Obtain& review patient feedback.
Highschool or Bachelor degree
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