Canadian University Dubai (CUD) is recruiting for a Library Assistant to work within the Library Resource Center.
Library Assistant :
Under the supervision of the Library Director, the Library Assistant is expected to perform a library customary operation to students, faculty & staff. He/She will take part in the processing of library resources and provide assistance to the users.
Job Goals:
- Ensure that students, faculty & staff are effective users of resources.
- Inspire students to be a critical thinkers, researchers, and independent learners of information
- Infuse the love of learning and ensure equitable access to information.
General Dutie
s:Circulation servic
- esProvides guidance to students and faculty in the use of library services, resources, and information technologi
- esProvides reference and information services to library use
rsTechnical & collection servic
- esExamines and make records of pre-ordering informati
- onProcessing of newly acquired resourc
- esPrepare materials for bindi
- ngShelving of physical collectio
nsTeaching and research suppo
rtProvide information literacy instruction in the classrooms/lab and one-on-one research assistance to help studen t s learn on how to search scholarly resources effectivel
y.Create original MARC record classification of print, audio-visual & electronic resource
s.(Primary Tasks and Dutie
- s)Implement library and information policies and procedure
- s.Aid patrons in the circulation desk – check in and check out item
- s.Provide reference services to patron
- s.Assist in locating books, journals, library items and the use of OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogu
- e)Maintains order of books in the shelf and ensure mis-shelved books are kept in pla
- ceGenerate overdue fine and submit to the financ
- e.Receive and process newly acquired book
- s.Oversees and assist users on the use of computers, copy machines and equipment
- 'sAssist the librarian in the inventory of collection
- s.Maintain daily circulation records & statistic
- s.Monitor the group study room booking
- s.Generate and consolidate IL feedback surve
y.(Secondary Tasks and Dutie
- s)Conduct information literacy training to Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studen
- tsCopy catalogin
- g.Participate in projects and cross team working grou
- p.Maintain overdue book list & communicate with user
- s.Generate report
Qualifications & Experie
- nceBachelor's degree in library and information science or equival
- entA minimum of 4-5 years' work experience in an Academic Univers
- ityExperience in providing information literacy sessio
- ls:Library policies, procedures, ethics, and professional standa
- rdsResearch and information retrie
- valKnowledge on internet and other electronic databa
- sesComputer skills including the use and ability to manage the Library Management System, online bibliographic utilities, and other information databa
sesCritical Competenci
- es:Analytical and decision-making ski
- llsExcellent customer serv
- iceOrganizational ski
- llsEffective verbal, presentation and listening communication ski
- llsAbility to work as a t
- eamTime Management ski
- llsStress management ski